Wednesday, 24 September 2008

make the walls tumble down

so finally we did it!!! peti and me removed the kitchen wall, and we also made some minor improvements like throwing the shelves away and painting this and that to some awesome colors :D
no corridor anymore, and hopefully in a week our selective waste bin will also be ready...

and for those living near berlin, here's some association about the project :D

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Bp's over

Hi friends!
It's not even a week since i'm home and quite many things are happening here after my arrival, and that's why post comes now (for me it should come even later, cause i still cannot find right words to express how thankful i am to all of you who made my stay in Bp so good). But at the same time i didn't want you to wait too long and have the feeling that i already forgot about everything :P No, i didn't.

I can definitely say - those 2 months of summertime were my best ones. Of course i had some incredible time before this summer, of course i was missing few friends around me even now, but i never had such a perfect summer in a sum. And as i like it intense, i liked it even more.

Everyday work (almost everyday, hehe), coming back around 6pm (many times later), having a dinner, doing some sports (till John was there, later we skipped this point) and parties (rarely other activities) in Godor, Szimpla, Corvinteto, Fecske, Buddha Beach, ZP or even in Rio. All that with liters of wines, frocs, sunsets and one but special sunrise at Gellert hill, with all of you guys, yeah that was amazing.

Hopefully you'll contiune with playing frisbee, or start if you didn't try yet and will meet on next olympics, hehe.

Have fun and keep on smiling in Hungary, Greece, England, Poland, Canada, USA, Greece, Thailand, Brazil, Ireland, Australia, Croatia, Norway, Germany, Syria, Lebanon, Romania, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Switzerland and Scotland!



Monday, 8 September 2008

hallo heidi! hallo grossvater!

dear friends. I proudly announce that I got the job in the curating team of the 4th International Architecture Biennal Rotterdam 2009!
that means I am working under Prof. Kees Christiaanse at the ETH in Zurich for the next several months. I've been there last week and signed the papers. Zurich is a lovely city. I like it somehow. BUT the rooms are like gold dust. almost none existing but pretty expensive. we will see how it works. with october I am goin down there.
of course you guys are welcome to visit me and some nice piece of swiss cubical architecture.